Ingrid simbolo de la libertad
La memoria nos traiciona y es por eso que desde un tiempo hacia acá trato de registrar bien esos sucesos importantes que marcan mi alrededor. Y si bien la distancia permite que la memoria se altere, trato de hacer algunos ejercicios mentales para no perderla…no olvido el nombre de Ingrid Betancur, y no ignoro el problema socio-político que vive Colombia, no olvido este nombre por que soy conciente de esa imagen que simboliza a todos los secuestrados en mi país. Por que ese nombre simboliza de alguna manera a todos los secuestrados en el mundo. Por que ese nombre simboliza de alguna manera la libertad.
Memory betrays us and that is why for a while I have been trying to record those important events which have an impact on my surroundings. And although distance allows memory to change, I try to do some mental exercises not lose it, I don't forget the name of Ingrid Betancur, and I do not ignore/forget the sociopolitical problems that Colombia is experiencing, I do not forget that name because I am conscious of that image which symbolizes all the kidnapped people in my country. Because that name somehow symbolizes all the kidnapped people in the world. Because that name somehow symbolizes freedom.
Memory betrays us and that is why for a while I have been trying to record those important events which have an impact on my surroundings. And although distance allows memory to change, I try to do some mental exercises not lose it, I don't forget the name of Ingrid Betancur, and I do not ignore/forget the sociopolitical problems that Colombia is experiencing, I do not forget that name because I am conscious of that image which symbolizes all the kidnapped people in my country. Because that name somehow symbolizes all the kidnapped people in the world. Because that name somehow symbolizes freedom.