Monday, November 18, 2019

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

ART WEEK - At French Int. School HK

It was a pleasure to be invited to participate in the ART WEEK in the French International School in May. 

During a month and five happy primary classes, we were able to develop some interesting art projects full of mindfulness, thus we practiced some techniques to focus the mind and reduce stress levels.

We built and assemble natural objects, we painted, we printed and we transformed school chairs in artworks. 

Chairs in progress ...

We built and assemble natural objects, we painted, we printed and we transformed school chairs in artworks. 

Teachers and students worked hard and result was an exhibition full of meaningful artworks filled of interesting reflections. 

Exhibition at Agora 

We built nets and nests to catch good energies, dreams and strengths.

Every artwork was charged with an feeling, a dream, an emotion, an environment reflection or a positive message.


Tuesday, April 30, 2019

What have we be doing these weeks ?

We have worked on drawing and painting ...

in a nice an colourful way we explore different kind of lines, the idea of inside / outside and mixed-media.

We have been painting in big and small formats. Using mixed-media and dripping techniques.

We stretch, we breath, we are aware of our words and actions … but we also play, dance and have fun !

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Animals, animals ...

During our mindful Art class, kids experience freedom to express their art, they try out different materials, explore the matter, feel the glue in their hands …

Kids work hard and do the job by themselves, they learn to cut, to stick, to draw, to paint, to build …

Mindfulness, freedom and guidance help to build confidence, develop creativity and make great artworks.

We have time to sing, to stretch, to CREATE … to breath …