Thursday, September 02, 2021

Short breaks & Movement

Very often we do not respect the needs and the study/learning rhythm of our kids. 

As parents and teachers we use to ask kids to do a quantity of tasks that sometimes they are not able to do in our “adult rhythm”. Also it happens the kids don't have a little time for themselves within one activity and another one.

Naturally kids move. Working outdoor or on the floor – under a framework, allow certain freedom to move. Mobility that kids generally don't have at school. 

Move, stretch and make pauses are needed for a better concentration and better efficacy at school/work.  That's why we do small breaks (sometimes just one or two minutes) during our art-mindfulness class. During those breaks we can do some mindful breathing, stretching or a quick physical pose that allow us to calm down, to relax or just to focus our minds ...And it happens to focus our minds just listening the birds, feeling the air on the skin ... just so calming !

When we move our body, we can relax our minds … ! 

Just try it ! i

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